Wednesday, January 26, 2011


from work, Yes, I am. Kids are still sick....what a way to have our bonding moments!

I couldn't buy the idea to go to work while kids are sick.....I want to be with them!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


oh yes! my girls are now having flu....tsk! yesterday twas Tala and this afternoon, Mayumi got it too!

Tsk...tsk! I hope it get away soooooooonnnnnn.....coz kids are very busy this week and they need to do a lot of expo is 3 weeks away!

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Just finished cleaning our closets......our means, my closets, hubby's and kids'...I can't believe it, we still have lots and lots of clothes. I was able to share some of our clothes last month but hey, I was so surprised to see more clothes. And I really need to give these stuff.

I need to declutter our home......and this is ASAP. I am thinking if I will do a garage sale or just give these things away....what do you think? much for this....I need to reheat our food.....yes, reheat!

My first for 2011

This is my first blog for 2011.....if only this blog can automatically put what's on my mind....I am sure, every hour, something new will be read here.

Today is Saturday, no work, a relax day for me and kids.

Right at this moment, there are things popping on my head....but can't write it yet...

Let me just say...Thank you 2010, i dont wanna say it was not a good year for us.....but what we have gone thru in 2010 was an opportunity we are looking for 2011.

God bless everyone.


you'll see more posting this year!

After 7 years, I am back. And my first blog is all about..... Leadership: A Tough But Fulfilling Road Being a leader is not for the faint-he...