Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Reproductive System

I was once a tiny cell,
coming from my mommy
You call this a pretty egg
waiting for the sperm
hahaha, hohoho
mommy dear i love you so
hahaha, hohoho
daddy dear i love you so
I was once a tiny cell
coming from my daddy
You call this a handsome sperm
wriggling all the time
hahaha, hohoho
daddy dear i love you so
hahaha, hohoho
mommy dear i love you so
I was once a tiny cell
coming from my parents
You call this a zygote
in my mommy's uterus
hahaha, hohoho
mommy dear i love you so
hahaha, hohoho
daddy dear i love you so

my zygote now sings......hehehehe

see, they know how a sperm wriggles

mommy , daddy dear i love you so

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